folk-urban continuum
Смотреть что такое "folk-urban continuum" в других словарях:
folk-urban continuum — A concept relating to the transition from rural to urban societies. Investigation of the social, cultural, and economic characteristics of individual societies allows them to be positioned at different points along an evolutionary path. See also… … Dictionary of sociology
rural-urban continuum — See folk urban continuum … Dictionary of sociology
folk society — An ideal type referring to ‘primitive’ agrarian societies in all historical periods which, it is assumed, have none of the economic or socio cultural characteristics of ‘modern’ urban industrial societies. The concept is often criticized on… … Dictionary of sociology
Urban contemporary gospel — Urban/contemporary gospel Stylistic origins Traditional black gospel Cultural origins Late 20th century African Americans Typical instruments Guitar, bass, drums, piano Subgenres Ch … Wikipedia
Folk music of England — Pentangle performing in 2007 Folk music of England refers to various types of traditionally based music, often contrasted with courtly, classical and later commercial music, for which evidence exists from the later medieval period. It has been… … Wikipedia
folk music — 1. music, usually of simple character and anonymous authorship, handed down among the common people by oral tradition. 2. music by known composers that has become part of the folk tradition of a country or region. [1885 90] * * * Music held to be … Universalium
American folk music revival — The American folk music revival was a phenomenon in the United States in the 1950s to mid 1960s. Its roots went earlier, of course, since traditional folk music has thousands of years of history, and performers like Burl Ives, Woody Guthrie, and… … Wikipedia
Cunning folk in Britain — A model of a nineteenth century cunning woman in her house, at the Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle in England. The cunning folk in Britain were professional or semi professional practitioners of magic active from the Medieval period through to… … Wikipedia
НАРОДНО-ГОРОДСКОЙ КОНТИНУУМ — (folk urban continuum) см. Сельско городской континуум … Большой толковый социологический словарь
Robert Redfield — (* 4. Dezember 1897 in Chicago, Illinois; † 16. Oktober 1958) war ein US amerikanischer Ethnologe. Er studierte an der University of Chicago Jura und schloss sein Studium 1921 ab. Um diese Zeit heiratete er Margaret Lucy Park, mit der er vier… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Redfield, Robert — (1897 1958) An American anthropologist who, in 1930, published a study (Tepoztlan: Life in a Mexican Village) which outlines an idealtypical construct of folk society . Subsequently he suggested that the spread of urban based civilization… … Dictionary of sociology